Monday, May 30, 2016

Good Bye, Ireland!

Cheers, Ireland!

We have reached the last day of our incredible experience here in Ireland. To even begin to wrap my head around all of the amazing things I have seen and learned throughout this week and a half seems nearly impossible at this point.

Ireland has been so good to us. The weather was perfect, and the multiple people who went out of their way to make our time here THAT much better, did just that. I can say with a very honest heart that I am going home a better educator than when I first arrived here in Dublin. I have learned multiple strategies to incorporate into my classrooms, but I have also learned to be grateful for the endless opportunities of education in America.

This was my first experience going out of the country. Adding to that, I didn't know one single soul and it's safe to say I was pretty terrified. As I leave this country and head back to the states, I can say that I have gained such strong relationships with so many individuals, and have not only witnessed them grow in their learning here, but I have watched myself mature in so many ways. This opportunity has been everything and more than I ever expected and I cannot thank the University of Louisville enough for allowing me to be a part of this. Saying goodbye is such a bittersweet moment, but I know that I will carry a little piece of Ireland into my classroom next year.

Thanks UofL and thank you Ireland, it's been real.


~ Lauren LoBue

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