Saturday, May 21, 2016

In Cork and Cobh, our First Stops

Hello friends and family,

We have arrived in the land of luck today! This was my first international flight and I learned a lot from it. The food was decent but my legs became tired quickly. There were screens on the backs of the seats in front of us. We could choose from multiple types of entertainment. I chose to watch the movie "Sisters".

We were very excited to begin our trip even with a few complications in the beginning. After landing, many of us felt queezy from the long flight. After catching our breaths and gathered our bags we then proceeded to board our bus. Paddywagon Tours took us to our first home of the trip; University College Cork. The bus was stubborn and caused a delay. But we persevered and got on the road. Many of us caught up on some sleep on the trip to Cork. The ride reminded me of all of the movies and TV shows I have seen. There were green rolling hills with sheep and cows. Did you know that there are over 8 million sheep in Ireland?? That's TWICE as many as people.

The rooms we are staying in include our own separate bathrooms. There are four of us to a unit which includes a shared living space.

Today's adventure finished with a train ride to Cobh. This small town was B E A U T I F U L. Each building was a different color and it sat right on the bay. I enjoyed walking to small shops and seeing the locals enjoy living there as well. The town holds in to an important part of history: The last stop in Europe before the Titanic headed for New York. It was quite the honor to stand where others stood over a hundred years ago.

As I reflect on the past couple of days, it all seems unreal. It has been my dream to study abroad and its finally here. I am so glad I have the opportunity to explore a new country, learn about their special education program and make some new friends. Thank you for all the support from friends and family. Miss and love you!

~ Julie Rinehart

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